Apply x3

Apply x3


Apply for the job.

Apply for the job even if you feel as though you are not ready.

Apply for the job even when you've been rejected by that same job before.

Apply for the job even when you're feeling comfortable where you currently work.

Apply for the job even if you feel as if you are incapable of performing all said tasks.

Apply for the job even when it states they're looking for Level 2 & you're a Level 1.

Apply for the job even when it says hybrid and you don't live near the area.

Apply for the job even if you only meet one criteria of the job description.

Apply for the job even if you're not the perfect candidate.

Apply for the job.


I have had these same doubts/situations myself. I was this person, hesitant to apply because I felt as if I wasn't ready or good enough to do a job yet. I learned that it doesn't matter if you're either or because most of the time you're just overthinking it simply put. You are good enough! You are capable! Every time I felt different I still ended up at least either getting a callback, interview, or even a job offer. I'm just here to share this experience with any of you in case you need it today.



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