C Learning

C Learning

Hello world! Just wanted to update you all on my C journey. My semester at school is almost up, I finished a C self-paced course and updated my Github a bit with some baby C labs. As these things have been and are being completed, I think this will be enough for me at least for right now. I still believe I am a novice at the language but I at least wanted to get a feel for it. I think C was interesting to learn as it is the Latin of programming languages (comparison given due to complexity) but I want to start learning Python.

Python is something I've been struggling with for a while and although my skills are lackluster I want to become at least decent. Decent enough that I can be dependable to anyone just starting to learn the language or is interested in getting started to guide/ help them.

I'm going to take a look at this Harvard CS50 py course recommended to me by a friend a long time ago and something I've been meaning to get to as well. If you don't live under a rock I'm sure you've heard of this course haha. I feel like this could give me a good foundation.

So yes, C was fun but I don't think it's for me. Not right now at least. I'm sure I'll come back to it down the line years from now when I have more desire to hone in on this practice. Hope you all are well, thanks for your time.

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